She made her mark in showbiz with a daily soap but actress Prachi Desai has no plans of making a comeback to TV’s never-ending series. The 27-year-old actress, who became the household name with her lead role in Balaji Telefilms’ Kasamh Se, however, would consider doing a finite TV series if the role is good. “Finite series would be very interesting because amazing people like Amitabh Bachchan and Anil Kapoor do such shows on TV. So, something which has a deadline to it would be fabulous, provided if I get a fab role,” Prachi told PTI. In 2014, both Bachchan and Kapoor introduced miniseries Yudh and 24 respectively to Indian television. While plot of Yudh did not go well with the audience, 24 is coming up with the second season. Prachi said she has never been offered a role since she left TV to concentrate on film projects. “I really enjoyed that golden phase of my career in TV. It’s so surprising that people still remember those shows and roles. “It’s a huge blessing and opportunity but there is no plan of returning to TV with daily soaps. When I did my first film Rock On, I bid goodbye to TV and ever since nobody has offered me a television show.”
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